Since this is built on the SampleTank 3 engine you can use the Philharmonik 2 library in conjunction with SampleTank 3. It seems to reflect a handcrafted, old world style, staying in touch with the feeling of working with a classical orchestra. Philharmonik 2 presents its own take on the SampleTank 3 look and feel. Philharmonic 2 works in stand alone as well as provided in the popular 64 bit only plugin formats. With the shear size of this instrument IK Multimedia has the option of purchasing the installation files on a USB Flash drive which is becoming a more popular distribution medium for companies selling muti gigabyte sample libraries. You need to make sure and allow for plenty of time to download and extract all of the installation files. First off instead of only having approximately the 3.5 gigs contained on the 5 original data CDs, Philharmonic 2 supplies you with over 58 GB of sample material. So let’s take a look at this amazing new instrument collection. So now imagine today we now have these wonderfully emotional and powerful samples without the limitations of days gone by and to make things even better you can actually afford it at less than one tenth the original price. Multicore computing power paired with the low cost of RAM and Hard Drive storage has allowed developers to bring us some of the most expressive virtual instruments to date and Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is no exception. Well thankfully we are enjoying an amazing time in the life of the music software industry.

Now hold on to your seat as the original libraries on 5 CDs sold for over $4000.00 (1), just think about that for a moment. Remember that when the original library was introduced the VSTs and Virtual Instruments we have today were just a musicians Sci Fi dream. You had to consider the limited amount of RAM (around 4mb) that was available in the early Akai hardware samplers. These original libraries produced in 1993 and were delivered on data CD. These were ground breaking in the sense that they were among the first attempts to provide composers with samples of a real performing orchestra that captured the emotion and characteristic sound of world class musicians.

Many of us familiar with the early days of sampling remember the excitement that surrounded the original Miroslav Vitous Symphonic Orchestra library. IK Multimedia with their introduction of Miroslav Philharmonik 2 has made this task a little bit easier. The sheer abundance of choices can be overwhelming. It seems everywhere you look there are new orchestral sample libraries and instruments being introduced.