To get a better data recovery result, you need to keep the flash drive away from operations like formatting, disk check (CHKDSK), repairing bad sectors, deleting and re-create partition, etc. Is it possible to recover files from a flash drive that needs to be formatted? Yes, in most situations, you can easily retrieve files from unformatted drive and store lost files to another working partition. It does not mean there is not other solutions to fix it without losing data when Windows cannot offer a solution except for formatting. Should I format the flash drive when it asks formatting? No! Formatting should be the last solution when there is important data on the drive, for it removes everything from the flash drive. Other causes: bad sectors, aging hardware components, poor quality, physical damages, etc.A USB drive is more likely to infect virus than an internal hard drive, for it might be used on unknown computers that does not enable Windows Defender or install third-party anti-virus software. There is a sudden power off when the flash drive is being used to transferring data or perform other tasks.The most common reason is disconnecting USB drive without clicking "Safely Remove" option or removing USB drive while system is reading or writing data to it.Why does my flash drive suddenly say it needs to be formatted? Quite a few causes may be contributing to the unformatted error, and it is noteworthy to know the reasons, as you can be alert and keep your USB flash drive away from the error in the future.

It does offer a solution to fix it, but the only solution given by Windows is formatting the flash drive. Windows keeps track of files stored on flash drive via reading information in file system, once file system is corrupted, Windows will become unable to access files. The file system gets corrupted and damaged. This may happen aftert64y you remove the flash drive from computer without following the recommended procedure that requires closing all opened files and clicking Safely Remove option each time before disconnect USB device. What does unformatted USB flash drive mean? When a flash drive asks formatting, you are not able to open it and access files in Windows File Explorer and get an error message saying "You need to format the disk in drive before you can use it. USB drive says it needs to be formatted, which is one of the most common data loss situations you should know how to deal with. USB flash drive says it needs to be formatted How to fix a corrupted USB flash drive without losing data?.The Step-by-step guide: How to recover files from a flash drive that needs to be formatted?.USB flash drive says it need to be formatted.